The Disaster Response Collaborative is in Progress!

DRC Updates

Session 4 covered Pediatric Surge Capacity and was held on December 3, 2024. See the recording and slides. Register for the next session, Focus Area Option: Pediatric Patient Tracking and Family Reunification (1/7/2025)

DRC Registration is Still Open

Children’s hospitals can still register a team to participate in the DRC. See details on building a robust team

Learn about the DRC

The Disaster Response Collaborative (DRC) continues the work of the Disaster Networking Collaborative (DNC), and both are initiatives of the Pediatric Pandemic Network (PPN). These initiatives support ongoing efforts to form a network of children’s hospitals that are (individually and collectively) prepared to respond to disasters and pandemics. The goal of the DRC is to improve pediatric disaster response capability and capacity among children’s hospitals.

This collaborative focuses on four pediatric priority areas: evacuation, reunification, surge, and triage/infection control/decontamination. The DRC will help children’s hospitals achieve improvements in these disaster response areas and provide quality care for children when needed during an emergency, disaster, or pandemic. The DRC will provide guidance and resources to support participants to implement improvements and to use tabletop exercises and drills to monitor and track improvements in disaster response.

Through offering opportunities for education, networking, sharing of evidence-based practices, and exchanging new ideas and strategies, this collaborative will also support the workforce resiliency of employees at children’s hospitals by improving their job satisfaction.

Quality Improvement

The DRC is a Quality Improvement (QI) collaborative. Learn about QI science, collaboratives, framework, and tools and resources here.

For more information, see About the DRC or email