PPN Celebrates Healthcare Simulation Week

Published August 21, 2024

Join the Pediatric Pandemic Network (PPN) and fellow pediatric simulationists as we celebrate Healthcare Simulation Week with a special focus on pediatric respiratory care.

We invite all Pediatric Simulationists to participate by hosting a pediatric respiratory simulation. You have the freedom to design and present your simulation in any setting and at any time during Healthcare Simulation Week, which runs from September 16-20, 2024.

This is your chance to contribute to improving pediatric care through simulation.

To get involved, pledge to conduct a pediatric respiratory simulation. After your simulation, please share your experience with us by:

1. Posting on social media with the hashtags: #PediatricSimsWeek2024 and tagging us!
Pediatric Pandemic Network
Instagram: @pedspandemicnetwork
Facebook: @PedsPandemic
X: @pedspandemicnetwork
YouTube: @pedspandemicnetwork

EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC)
Instagram: @EMSCIIC
Facebook: @EMSCImprovement
X: @EMSCImprovement
YouTube: @EMSCInnovationImprovement6466

2. Sending a picture and/or a brief story to Communications@PedsPandemicNetwork.org.

Share your simulation plans:

SIM week
Would you like to attend the pre-Healthcare Simulation Week webinar/pep rally?

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